What's behind the program?

The science behind Sportfasting

Spark your energy

Sportfasting by Fittergy is the kick-start to a healthier lifestyle. It will improve your body shape through a combination of fasting, exercise, and nutritional supplements. From a primal energy metabolism mechanism you 'turn on' your systems to switch to maximum fat burning. Improved energy and with that the basis for muscle tissue growth. Professor de Lange wrote in Faseb.

''Your 'body composition' is not only relevant for your looks but above all for your health, vitality, and anti-aging. To achieve an optimal body structure you need to turn fat into energy and use that energy to build muscle mass and muscle condition. Especially the fat in your abdominal area.''

Sportvasten Pack

Sportfasting science

How does Sportfasting work?

Step 1
With the combination of fasting and sporting, you can activate primordial genes that regulate your fat burning and energy metabolism.
Step 2
The result is a quick reduction of your fat - particularly the fats in your abdominal area - and a switch from sugar to fat burning.
Step 3
Due to the increased energy metabolism, you will continue to lose weight your energy level improves as well as your endurance sports performances.
Step 4
The additional energy also helps you to create extra muscle protein with the right workout stimulants.

Sportfasting follow-up

Keep The Switch

With the Keep The Switch follow-up you can easily maintain your Sportfasting results. Once a week, a day of fasting and exercising creates the ideal cycle for maintaining all your results.

After the 10-day Sportfasting program, your Fittergy Coach will give you a personalized plan to keep your switch up and running. You don't have to change anything about what you already do in terms of dieting or sport intensity. This makes it easy to keep up with the Keep The Switch program.


"I'm more often at home and that easily leads to eating the wrong foods. Then I take a 10-day program such as Sportfasting or the Vegan Flex. It tackles your overweight fat cells and makes your healthy cells work more effectively again.
Marianne Timmer, Coach, Triple Olympic Champion, and one-time World Champion Sprint.
As a previous top athlete I nowadays have a bit more difficulty to maintain my weight. Frequently Sportfasting gives me a physical restart. It's a bit of a challenge, but with a fabulous payback.
John den Braber, Reporter and ex-professional bicyclist
To me, Sportfasting is a method to overcome my ragged lifestyle and to return to a responsible way of exercising and eating. I will definitely do it again next year.
Esther Goedegebuure, JAN Magazine

Drs. Remco Verkaik:

"During my research as a scientist, I observed the remarkable differences in fitness and body fat percentage in different athletes. Research and collaboration with other scientists and trainers eventually resulted in the discovery of a primal mechanism that, when activated, switches to an optimal energy metabolism and fat burning.''


By constantly conducting new scientific research, including with the Erasmus MC, the Sports University of Cologne, and the University of Caserta, we have developed the most innovative proven, and fastest working lifestyle program: Sportvasten by Fittergy! ""


Take this test and make the Switch!

Are you motivated to make the Switch? To see what kind of results you can achieve and keep with Sportfasting, please fill out the following form.

What are your Sportfasting goals?
Weight loss
Improve physical condition
Improve vitality
How many hours a week do you exercise?
0 to 2 hours
2 to 6 hours
more than 6 hours
Do you use medication (with the exception of the contraceptive pill), are you being treated by a doctor for a certain condition or do you have an eating disorder?
Enter your height and weight and indicate your gender.

Congratulations, these are the results that you can achieve with Sportfasting within 10 days! In addition to this weight loss, you also feel much fitter and more energetic.

Do the Sportfasting test again
We are happy to advise you on the Sportvasten by Fittergy process.

To ensure that Sportvasten by Fittergy does not give you any physical health complaints, we would like to advise you personally. Contact us via or call 010-4420417

Starting Sportfasting

Begin Sportfasting!

Are you convinced of the success of the Sportfasting? Begin now and loose weight in 10 days, become fitter and more energetic!

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