var gewicht; var geslacht; var lengte; $(document).ready(function() { setFlowHeight(); setTimeout(function(){ setFlowHeight(); }, 600); $(window).on("resize", function(){ setFlowHeight(); }); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1'] .option").on("click", function(){ if($(this).hasClass("active")){ $(this).removeClass("active").addClass("nonActive"); if($(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1']").length < 1){ $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1'] .option").removeClass("nonActive"); } } else { $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1'] .option:not(.active)").addClass("nonActive"); $(this).addClass("active").removeClass("nonActive"); } if($(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1']").length > 0){ $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1'] .buttons .nextButton").removeClass("disabled"); } else { $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1'] .buttons .nextButton").addClass("disabled"); } }); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='2'] .option").on("click", function(){ if($(this).hasClass("active")){ $(this).removeClass("active").addClass("nonActive"); 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} else { $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='3'] .buttons .nextButton").addClass("disabled"); } }); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4'] .option").on("click", function(){ if($(this).hasClass("active")){ $(this).removeClass("active").addClass("nonActive"); if($(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4']").length < 1){ $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4'] .option").removeClass("nonActive"); } } else { $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4'] .option").addClass("nonActive").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active").removeClass("nonActive"); } checkResultButton(); }); $(".flowBlock .bmiField").on("keyup change", function(){ checkResultButton(); }); $(".flowBlock .nextButton").on("click", function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass("disabled")){ if($(".flowBlock[data-error='true']").length < 1){ $(".flowBlock .step").removeClass("active"); if($(this).data("step")){ $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='" + $(this).data("step") + "']").addClass("active"); setNavigator(); } } else { $(".flowBlock .step").removeClass("active"); $(".flowBlock .navigator").addClass("hide"); $(".flowBlock").addClass("active"); $(".flowBlock .intro").addClass("hidden"); } } setFlowHeight(); }); $(".flowBlock .backButton").on("click", function(){ $(".flowBlock .step").removeClass("active"); if($(this).data("step")){ $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='" + $(this).data("step") + "']").addClass("active"); } setFlowHeight(); }); $(".flowBlock .resultButton").on("click", function(){ if(!$(this).hasClass("disabled")){ gewicht = parseFloat($("#weightField").val().replace(",", ".")); lengte = parseFloat($("#sizeField").val().replace(",", ".")); geslacht = $(".flowBlock").data("gender"); generateResult(); $(".flowBlock .step").removeClass("active"); $(".flowBlock .navigator").addClass("hide"); $(".flowBlock .item.result").addClass("active"); $(".flowBlock .intro").addClass("hidden"); } setFlowHeight(); setTimeout(function(){ setFlowHeight(); }, 300); }); $(".flowBlock .goBack").on("click", function(){ $(".flowBlock").removeClass("active"); setTimeout(function(){ $(".flowBlock .navigator").removeClass("hide"); $(".flowBlock .intro").removeClass("hidden"); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='3").addClass("active"); setNavigator(); }, 300); }); $(".flowBlock .reset").on("click", function(){ $(".flowBlock .step .option").removeClass("nonActive active") $(".flowBlock .item").removeClass("active"); $(".flowBlock .bmiField").val(""); $(".flowBlock .nextButton, .flowBlock .resultButton").addClass("disabled"); setTimeout(function(){ $(".flowBlock .navigator").removeClass("hide"); $(".flowBlock .intro").removeClass("hidden"); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='1']").addClass("active"); $("#textResult").html(); $("#graphResult").empty(); setFlowHeight(); }, 300); }); }); function setNavigator(){ $(".flowBlock .current").html($(".flowBlock").data("step")); } function checkResultButton(){ if($("#sizeField").val().length > 0 && $("#weightField").val().length > 0 && $(".flowBlock").length > 0){ console.log("test"); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4'] .buttons .resultButton").removeClass("disabled"); } else { console.log("test2"); $(".flowBlock .step[data-step='4'] .buttons .resultButton").addClass("disabled"); } } function setFlowHeight(){ $(".flowBlock .steps").css("height", $(".flowBlock").outerHeight()); AOS.init(); } function generateResult(){ var bmi = gewicht / ((lengte/100) * (lengte/100)); if (geslacht == 'male' && gewicht > 40 && lengte > 100 && bmi >= 18){ $('#textResult').html('You lose an average of 4 cm waist size!'); } else if (gewicht > 40 && lengte > 100 && bmi >= 18){ $('#textResult').html('You lose an average of 3 cm waist size!'); } if (gewicht > 40 && lengte > 100 && bmi >= 18) { var sd_factor = 0.0096; var sd_factor2 = 0.0234; var data = []; data[0] = gewicht; data[1] = gewicht*0.995; data[2] = gewicht*0.99; data[3] = gewicht*0.985; data[4] = gewicht*0.975; data[5] = gewicht*0.965; data[6] = gewicht*0.955; data[7] = gewicht*0.95; data[8] = gewicht*0.945; data[9] = gewicht*0.943; data[10] = gewicht*0.941; data[11] = gewicht*0.943; data[12] = gewicht*0.946; data[13] = gewicht*0.948; data[14] = gewicht*0.949; data[15] = gewicht*0.950; data[25] = gewicht*0.948; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = parseFloat(data[i]); data[i] = data[i].toFixed(2); } var ymin = parseInt(data[25]) - 2; new Morris.Line({ // ID of the element in which to draw the chart. element: 'graphResult', // Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on // the chart. data: [ { x: '0', value: data[0] }, { x: '1', value: data[1] }, { x: '2', value: data[2] }, { x: '3', value: data[3] }, { x: '4', value: data[4] }, { x: '5', value: data[5] }, { x: '6', value: data[6] }, { x: '7', value: data[7] }, { x: '8', value: data[8] }, { x: '9', value: data[9] }, { x: '10', value: data[10] }, { x: '11', value: data[11] }, { x: '12', value: data[12] }, { x: '13', value: data[13] }, { x: '14', value: data[14] }, { x: '15', value: data[15] }, { x: '25', value: data[25] } ], // The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values. xkey: 'x', // A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values. ykeys: ['value'], // Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the // chart. labels: ['Gewicht'], ymax: gewicht, ymin: ymin, postUnits: ['kg'], xLabelFormat: function (x) { return 'Dag ' + x.getYear(); }, // parseTime: false }); } else if (bmi < 18){ $('#textResult').html('Your BMI is lower than 18. We do not recommend Sportfasting if your weight is too low.'); $('#flowResultInfo').hide(); } else { $('#textResult').html('Unfortunately, your weight and height have not been entered correctly. Please go back to enter these values correctly.'); $('#flowResultInfo').hide(); } }